
Organizational Intelligence

Two years after Large Language Models entered the mainstream, companies worldwide are racing to adopt GenAI tools, anticipating significant productivity boosts across departments. However, emerging research reveals a startling truth: naive implementation of GenAI can be as detrimental to organizational productivity as it is beneficial. This workshop delves into the heart of this paradox, exploring why cutting-edge technology alone isn't the silver bullet many believe it to be.

Through interactive discussions and exercises, participants will gain practical insights into designing intelligent sociotechnical systems that harness the full potential of GenAI. We'll explore strategies for aligning roles, responsibilities, and feedback loops to ensure teams can understand and improve the value they deliver. By the end of this workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to implement GenAI in a way that truly enhances productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organizational effectiveness.

Attendees and Prerequisites

This workshop is designed for forward-thinking decision-makers across industries who are grappling with GenAI implementation. Ideal participants include CTOs, CIOs, heads of innovation, team leads, and project managers responsible for digital transformation initiatives. While technical expertise is beneficial, it's not required; the focus is on strategic thinking and organizational dynamics. Attendees should be open to challenging conventional wisdom about technology adoption and ready to explore the intersection of human factors and AI implementation. This session is particularly valuable for those looking to maximize their organization's GenAI investments, improve cross-functional collaboration, and foster a culture of intelligent innovation.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the potential pitfalls of naive GenAI adoption and their impact on organizational productivity.
  • Create an action plan for intelligent GenAI integration that balances technological capabilities with human factors.
  • Develop skills to design and implement effective feedback loops that enhance team performance and value delivery.


Our unique experience building technology organizations and communities helped define the last decade of IT. We help organizations navigate the complex technology landscape to become better versions of themselves. Agile, DevOps, SRE, Cloud, Containers, Serverless, leverage our expertise to get beyond the buzzwords and focus on the work. Let's define the next decade together.

team people

Andrew Clay Shafer


Andrew Clay Shafer evangelized DevOps tools and practices before DevOps was a word. Andrew focuses on evolving practices to make the most of technology investments. Having experience in almost every role in software delivery across two decades, he cuts through rituals to get to outcomes.

team people

Sasha Czarkowski


With a degree in Computer Science, an MBA, and two decades of experience across development, operations, product management, and technical sales, Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum) brings a unique perspective to optimizing the organizational flow of work, bridging gaps with empathy and insight.

team people

Jabe Bloom


For 20 years Jabe Bloom has focused on connecting design with software engineering and operational excellence. Jabe is finishing a PhD in Design Studies at Carnegie Mellon. His research focuses on understanding how technology and organizations coevolve together to design more effective transitions.